The basic information you need in order to make your Thassos hotel reservations
At this page you shall find information about how to make your Thassos hotel reservations, in order to be able to enjoy your holidays without problems in this enchanting destination.
Thassos is the greenest Greek island and thus there is great demand for hotel reservations from both Greece and all over Europe. The demand becomes even greater due to the recurrent visitors. The truth is that the island’s photos one may see in the internet and in travel guides may not depict the real beauty of the island, which is impressive.
Ways you may make your Thassos hotel reservations
The way to make your reservations in Thassos at the hotel you are interested in is varied and depends on the period and the place you wish to visit. Reservations in the bigger and the known hotels of Thassos most of the times are possible via internet, or via any good travel agency of Greece or abroad that has good package tours at nice prices.
As for the ways of payment for your Thassos hotel reservations, in case you make your reservation via internet, the most common way of payment is by credit card. Most of the times, you can also use other ways of payment, such as deposit via bank transfer. The Greek banking system is very modern and allows any type of safe transactions with all the world’s countries.
In case you make your hotel reservation in Thassos via a travel agency, the way of payment always depends on the agency itself. In many cases the special offers of agencies require cash payment in advance. You should ask for further details from your agency.
Hotel research on the spot instead of Thassos hotel reservations
Many visitors in Thassos, mainly those who visit the island regularly, or the residents of nearby areas, look for an accommodation when they reach the island, instead of making a hotel reservation beforehand.
This method, despite being quite popular, may cause problems, especially if you choose to visit the island during peak time, i.e. from the end of July until approximately mid-August. Furthermore, in case you travel with your family, we suggest you make your hotel reservations before coming to Thassos, since it may be far easier to find an accommodation appropriate for families. You should never forget that Thassos is very popular to families.
Due to the great improvement of the island’s infrastructure during recent years, the hotel reservations in Thassos are simple. Whether you decide to use the directness of the internet or the familiarity of your favourite travel agency, Thassos hotel reservations are simple, easy and possible via numerous ways.

Hotel Afrodite Studios, Thassos - External view

Hotel Afrodite Studios, Thassos - Room view